临沂市河东区新宇铝铁制品厂是一家五金工具`铝铁生产加工的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。 座落在全国第三大综合批发城市--临沂市。本厂集生产,经营为一体自2003年创建以来,不断开拓,创新,凭籍成熟的制造经验,成为一个优秀的现代企业。
本厂坚持以“以人为本,抓住机遇,开拓创新”的经营理念,“面向用户,服务用户,回报用户”的经营宗旨,真诚地愿与客户携手共进,共创明日辉煌。本厂专业生产镀锌钢板拉伸而成的各种规格水舀,脸盆 水盆,面盆·洗衣盆·水桶等.同时对外承接各种铝铁拉伸加工业务和诚招各地代理商。
Hedong district of linyi city XinYu aluminum iron products factory is a hardware tools, aluminum and iron production processing enterprise, was approved by the relevant state department approves registered enterprise. Located in the third national large comprehensive wholesale city-of linyi. This factory collection production, the management as a whole since its establishment in 2003, and constantly open up, innovation, with mature manufacturing experience, cadastral become a good modern enterprise.
We adhere to the "people-oriented, seize the opportunity, innovation" management concept, "the customer service users, customers return," the management objective, sincerely hopes to customers and create tomorrow brilliant. Our factory specializing in the production of galvanized steel stretch into the various specifications bailed water, wash basin, face basin washing basin, basin, such as the bucket. At the same time we undertake all kinds of aluminum iron stretch of foreign processing business and recruit agents all over.
Hedong district of linyi city XinYu aluminum iron enterprise in line with "customer first, credit first" principle, and many enterprises established long-term cooperative relations. We warmly welcome all friends to come to visit, investigate and negotiate business.
- 地址:山东 临沂 临沂市河东区 小李庄工业园
- 邮编:276034
所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:铝材,机器,配件,全铝家居 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:集成墙面、快装墙板、集成吊顶、仿大理石UV板、石塑线条、户外 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:全铝家居铝材 全铝浴室柜 全铝衣柜 全铝橱柜 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:木材加工及木竹藤棕草制品业 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:木材经营;单板加工销售 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:不锈钢餐具、暖气片加工销售 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:水带、塑料制品。 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工、销售:塑料捆扎绳。 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:生产加工销售:肉制品、速冻肉制品 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:塑料制品、遮阳网、拉丝、胶带 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:纸箱、纸盒、纸制品 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:木材经营;胶合板、科技木、木制品加工销售 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:烧肉、熟食。 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:塑料丝、塑料绳、塑料网 所在地:山东省临沂市经营范围:加工销售:日用塑料制品